I recently had the privilege of volunteering at the Dauphin County “Music & Wine Festival” in Fort Hunter Park, Harrisburg, PA, sponsored by the M&T Bank. The Brenner Family main stage featured performances by the Kelly Bell Band, We Are One Tribute X-Perience Band, and saxophonist, vocalist, and songwriter, Vanessa Collier.
Working closely with Larry Moore, program director, I assisted with guest performer and stage management, equipment transportation, green room and commodities preparation, audience interaction and assistance, and other setup and cleanup. This “behind-the-scenes” look at the moving parts and individuals of a successful event gives me new leadership perspective. The festival exposure also parallels my interning with the Harrisburg Symphony, where we are busy planning our July concert series. We hope that our diligence in planning will yield a positive experience for musicians, staff, and valued audience members!